Wednesday 5 February 2014

15. No hablo Inglés

Another week in Barcelona, is another week of chorizo, attempting a salsa dance and endless walks throughout the winding streets of el born. It never gets boring. But there is always something lingering in the air, the influence of the English Language.

In the past week, I have been busy with my new language, Catalan. The city is a mix of Castilian and Catalan, but now I'm at the level I want to be at with Castilian, I feel what’s better than a third language. Here in Barcelona, there are so many foreigners like me that come to study, and I can guarantee that the majority speak four of five languages, and that is without them studying languages as part of their degree. It really puts into perspective the lack of emphasis on languages in the UK. When I go to tandems, and get asked "what languages do you speak?" I actually feel ashamed to say two in comparison to extensive list that everyone else speaks.

Also, no matter how hard I try to not speak or hear English, it definitely lingers everywhere. If a shopkeeper or waiter senses that you are English, they automatically switch their language to English, and then it´s a game of who will back down first. I keep speaking Spanish and he continues with his impeccable English phrases.

However, what baffles me is if anyone comes to the UK, and you are at a restaurant and someone is say speaking Spanish, no one would start speaking Spanish. It just shows how the influence of English as the international language is spreading. Obviously, I understand that there is the need of an international language, but then it takes the motivation away for English speakers to learn other languages, as they know wherever they go, there is a chance that someone will speak English.
For example, my university here in Barcelona offers classes in English, and therefore many foreigners from all over come here and study those classes and yet can't speak or have any intention in learning Spanish, I just don't understand the logic.

Anyway, every Thursday when I go to a language tandem, it restores my faith in people who want to learn other languages other than English. It is full of various nationalities from all over the world, and it´s great to see the joy these people get from communicating in other languages. It truly is a great feeling.

Below is a link to the article about how the language learning cash in the UK is to be cut by two thirds, shameful.

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