Thursday, 19 September 2013

4.Olives vs Doya

This week so far has been hectic to say the least, however I have learnt something I feel is valuable through a fight with an olive jar, the one in the photo.
Firstly, either I must be the weakest person on earth or these olive jars are made of steel and only Arnold Schwarzenegger can open them.
I spent a whole 30 minutes trying to open them, with a tea towel, resting on the side, by this time I was very hungry and that's not fun for anyone.
Basically it was olives-1 doya-0.
My flatmate came home later on and got a bottle opener out of the draw next to me and pinged it open. What a life lesson.

Anyway, besides this dramatic episode, I have now moved into my flat! and I am yet to get used to walking past the Sagada Familia everyday, but when I see huge queues all around it at 8.30am, I think maybe in the next year I should venture inside!
Although I love most aspects of my flat, everything is gas and I'm scared of burning my hand off so I bought a 'special' lighter and we have no kettle or microwave. So I'm now making a good old brew by heating water in a pan, I feel like I'm in the 1500's (I didn't study history so I can't say if that is actually fact). But minus all this, The fact I can step out onto a balcony and I have a bed that would fit four of me in, I can cope.

                                            A snazzy photo of my balcony and the main one.

I also now have a national identity card, hooray! But it wasn't that simple, I have spent most of today on a metro link, going back and fourth to collect documents but all is well as some 'Vinto Tinto' will go down nicely now. I feel like I am getting more accustom to speaking castellan and pretending like I'm a native, whilst also learning some Catalan, as most street signs and now even restaurant menus are in Catalan. Each day I am leaning something new, whether it be a new word, phrase or even a life lesson in regards to olives, but It is all a new experience and I am definitely falling in love with Barcelona. A day in the life of a foreign student.

Tomorrow? The beach. Finally.



  1. Awww Doya so happy to hear how you're getting on! does sound stressful but at least you're getting things sorted bit by bit :)

    who's your flatmate? and is there space for me to come visit?? :)
    miss you! Vik xxxx

  2. Hey Vik! awh yes, everyday im becoming more of a citizen! I hope your enjoying yourself too, cant wait to visit you all!

    My flatmate is a lovely german girl but shes moving downstairs (long story) haha!
    and I have a huge bed that could fit 3 people in, so ofcourse you can visit! Cal is visiting on the 6th November for the weekend, but apart from that I don't have many plans yet, so come whenever!
    Miss you!
