Saturday, 7 September 2013

2. Being invisible

Well, I have only been here for two full days yet I definitely now know what it feels like to be a foreigner.
Luckily, I am staying with my auntie in Valle de Hebron until I find a flat and it is only 20 minutes from the centre of Barcelona, however this is where my luck ends.
I have learnt that I am invisible, as without an NIE (a certificate number for residency) I can't open a bank account, get an internet dongle or buy a phone, I don't exist. Basically, it is hard to get by without this number and appointments fill up quickly to get it and mine isn't until two weeks time, fantastic, I will just have to live in the shadows.

Not only this, but there was no point in me bringing anything with me as nothing works across a border, I need my phone unlocking, my internet dongle broke and also my laptop has changed everything to Spanish, which may seem like a good thing but when your trying to find a bus route, it can become stressful, especially when I haven't read or spoke Spanish since June. I definitely should have dedicated more research to these problems instead of watching every season of CSI.

I have also experienced many types of weather within an hour today: scorching sun, crazy wind and a tropical storm which resulted in my running up a hill home soaked through and I had only had a shower and washed my hair an hour before, typical.

Apart from my minor 'first world problems', just walking around this amazing city makes me realise why I chose it for my year abroad, it is nothing but eventful and it is full of many amazing things I am yet to explore, I now feel like a year isn't enough.

I have no photos yet as there was no time between running in a storm, eating menu del dia and having a siesta but I will start as of tomorrow.

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