Therefore when I came back in January I realised I had not only improved my language but also learnt so much about myself and about other ways of life, you can't put a price on the experience of living abroad. So, since I have been back in Barcelona, I have banned myself from all, well nearly all things English, and instead I am trying to succumb to the Spanish way of life, minus the siesta.
I have started reading novels in Spanish, watching 'telenovelas' and even cooking Spanish themed dishes. But the most important thing I have found, is to just get out there, into the city, and let the city show you it's amazing culture and the life it creates. Although at first coming to a new country and not knowing anyone can be a daunting prospect, it also means you are out of your comfort zone, but that is when you learn and realise what you are really capable of.
I can honestly say, that it is so easy to live abroad and not immerse yourself in any of the culture or life around you, and after 9 months, you haven't changed or learnt anything. But you obviously went abroad in the first place for a reason and therefore, what better way to see 'how the other half lives'.
Lo mejor en la vida lo encuentras sin haberlo buscando.
The best things in life happen when you aren't looking for them.
On a different note, in regards to my Spanish learning, alongside the various tandems i do, I have become rather addicted to various programs in Spanish, which I guess isn't a bad thing. To name a few, 'El Tiempo Entre Costuras' a dramatic series which had took over Atena3 and 'La Que Se Avecina' a comedy that i'm still not bored of. I feel listening to Spanish on television is completely different, to on the streets, and you can definitely pick up some colloquial phrases. Also, it is so useful to listen to various accents, I have realised I am now used to the Spanish north accent, so when I met someone from the south, I literally feel like they are speaking another language.
Also this week has been full of organising, various friends are coming to visit and I've also planned some trips to venture outside of Barcelona. I am also going to be taking part in 'The Colo(u)r Run' in Barcelona in May. It looks like so much fun, and this year I won't be able to take part in 'The Great Manchester Run' back home, therefore it's a good opportunity to get in some exercise and see this amazing city on the way, whilst being covered in various colours. There is nothing better than donating some money to charity and being part of something. I have also never took part in a Colour Run in the UK, so it's a first for me.

Anyway, it is now nearly halfway through February and I am already looking forward to summer time, I hope to get involved in even more things here in Barcelona, and lent is just around the corner, so I need to start thinking about what I am going to do more or less. The main thing is that my language can only improve, I think. This year abroad is an invaluable experience in life, and I want to get out of it everything I can.
Hasta la próxmia.
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