A month in a University with extraordinary rules, endless ventures of tourism and some amazing cava.
I have learnt a lot in the past month about rules and regulations here. Mainly that you can leave a lecture when you want for the loo but if you are five minutes late, there is no entering the class, or all hell breaks lose. Also, I have been bombarded by work, I am yet to have a day where I have completed everything.
For example, I was at my aunties the other day and when I was leaving they said '¿Tienes su movile?´ which i translate to do you have your aunties mobile, in which I responded, no ofcourse I don't I just have my own in my bag. In the end I realised they meant did I have her number in my phone.
Also to update my tourism diary, I am happy to say, I am starting to feel like a citizen here, although I still love exploring new places.
The other weekend me and my friends travelled to Zaragoza, which is about four hours away from Barcelona. We went when 'La fiesta del Pilar' was happening; the busiest weekend of the year. However, it made it that much better, we ate churros, watched many spectacles and explore the beautiful city.
I have also ventured around town, into La Boqueria, where I want to buy every kind of fruit, meat and fish, don't go there when you are hungry as you will end up buying everything, just like I did.
The highlight of my week was 'La champaneria' A little place near la Barcenoleta where you get can a glass of cava for one euro and an array of tapas, without breaking the bank. Also to top it all off, you have a bit of that pure Spanish culture as there are no seats, so everyone stands round the bar, drinking and munching away, what a great ambience.
"Barcelona is a very old city in which you can feel the weight of history; it is haunted by history. You cannot walk around it without perceiving it" -Carlos Ruiz Zafron
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